Media Kit Crash Course for Bloggers and Brands (Free Download) / by Erin Baynham

the media kit crash courseIt's no secret that I'm passionate about media kits. They're absolutely essential for growing your blog or brand, especially if you want to reach out and work with brands, sponsors, etc. I send out my media kit a few times a month, and believe me, if I didn't have one, I wouldn't be able to get so many awesome opportunities. Creating a media kit is one of those things that I constantly put off, but once it was done, I felt so much better. Carve out an hour or so, and make sure that you've got everything on your new (or existing) media kit! Click the "read more" button to get started.

If you're ready to get your media kit together, enter your email address below and I'll send you the media kit crash course!

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